Thursday, November 1, 2012

Invocation for A.M.Akron Toastmasters

 by Wazir H Sain
October 2012

When we joined Toastmasters we were not asked, "Are you a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Jew, a Buddhist, a Sikh or an agnostic or atheist."  Nor were you asked if you were a democrat, a republican, a libertarian or a black, a white, a Hispanic or an Asian? All are welcome in the Toastmasters' family--a brotherhood of men and women--dedicated to enhance communication and leadership in the world.
Our immense individual differences do not preclude us from helping, loving and respecting each other. Our  enormous diversity multiplies our resourcefulness.

Please join me for a moment of reflection and optimism with the following words:
With our friends beside us, and no one beneath us, with the bonds of Toastmasters between us, and our worries behind us, with our goals before us, and no task beyond us, with a passion for excellence and a thirst for knowledge and understanding, with a dedication to bringing progress through communication and leadership, we dream of a well-communicated world with unity in its diversity and a superb leadership that the humanity so deserves.

Shalom (Hebrew), Us-salamu Alaikum (Arabic), Namaste (Hindi), Hola (Spanish), Bonjour (French), Guten Tag (German),Jambo (Swahili), zǎo shàng hǎo (Chinese), Khoda Hafez (Persian), Nomoshker (Bengali), Konnichiwa (Japanese), and Aloha (Hawaiian).

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Humorous Speech and Table Topics Commercial

A.M. Akron Toastmasters
 Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest 2012
Commercial: Take 1!

If you’d like to hear a joke 
Or a clever anecdote;
If you enjoy a narrative 
That someone funny wrote;
If you like to grin and yuk
And roar and hoot and howl;
If you mostly like to smile
And never care to scowl;
Then you will want to be here
When next this group does meet
And get here mighty early 
So you can find yourself a seat.

Cindi Kane, Ned Parks and Gary, 
In September on the fifth,
Will compete for who is funniest
And the winner goes forthwith
On to beat the other clubs-
With A.M.Akron pluck
And win a trophey for our club
With A.M. Akron luck!

But that’s not all, so stick around
And hear some other speakers.
The Table Topics Contest
Is the other top dog seeker.
Kristen will compete again;
Scott Zimmerman and Lynn.
We’ll see who thinks best on their feet
And judge who best should win.

Our thanks to Miss Susanna
Who organized the match
And made sure everything’s in place
Without a single catch.
It is sure to be a humorous
And entertaining hour
When we all can be the judges
And unleash our ruling power.

We have to follow rules, of course
And Beth will show us how.
And when the meeting is adjourned
We all should take a bow.
The speeches may be comical,
Jocular, or droll.
They may be wacky, zany, riotous;
And you might just lose control.

But you’ll never know just what you missed
If you aren’t here next week.
The competition can’t be beat.
They all are winners, so to speak!

© 2012 Renée Pipitone